2011 m. gruodžio 31 d., šeštadienis

Happy 2012

Happy 2012

My son's Vakaris (9 year) ceramic work

2011 m. gruodžio 28 d., trečiadienis


Ir dar daugiau dovanų:)

And there are more presents, these lovely are from Tanechka:) Thank you dear!
So cute and beautiful bag for sweets decorate with LHN design, I love it:) and more - the Mill Hill Santa kit, sweets, Christmas postcard:)

presents from Tanechka

presents from Tanechka

and the wonderful Christmas card from Angela, it is a perfect one! Thanks:)

presents from Angela

presents from Angela

and of course I received a lot of Christmas card! Thank you all of you ladies:)
Nina, Marta, Hilda, Angela, Juliana, Irina, Tanechka ...and anothers are coming yet

christmas postcards


presents from Irina

Ši "gigantiška" dovana atkeliavo iš tolimos Rusijos nuo Irinos:)

This gorgeous presents came from Irina! Thanks dear:) as you see jewelry decoration on my Christmas Tree !

amazing little C mon monde box:) with treasures inside, I can imagine that this box is only 11x11cm and stitched 1 over 1!

presents from Irina

presents from Irina

as I always wish to have Kira's frame, I have it! and the bird on the apple:) sweets!

presents from Irina

presents from Irina

Спасибо дорогая Ирина, доброе, щедрое сердце:)
Vakaris блaгодарит за подарок


Kalėdoms nudundėjus ir belaukiant Naujųjų, laikas pasidžiaugti dovanomis:)

The Christmas has passed and waiting for New Year, I want to show you and enjoy the gifts from you my dear friends:)

The first I received cute, lovely pendibulle in red from Anfisa!

Спасибо тебе Анфиса! я очень рада:)

present from Anfisa

another lovely present this little bear comes to our home from Vaida, she recently started to write her blog and I invite to visit here :)

Ačiū Vaida, tavo mažieji pūkuotukai šildo širdis:)

present from Vaida

thank you dear friends, I'll show you more, there is the beginning:) to be continued...

2011 m. gruodžio 25 d., sekmadienis

Under the Tree

Under the Tree

Tegul Kalėdų rytas atneša po svajonę, viltį ir šilumą:) Linksmų visiems Šv. Kalėdų!

LHN. Under the Tree

Let the Christmas morning brings to you dreams, hope, warm:)


Under the Tree

Under the Tree

evenweave Murano(32) Beige, DMC, GAST, Kreinik, MH beads, buttons. Framed size ~15*15cm

2011 m. gruodžio 20 d., antradienis

Gingerbread house

Gingerbread house

Inspiration LHN. Gingerbreads houses

I change a bit original pattern and create one more side of house, and where is all house as Christmas Tree decoration. Each part of the house coated as pinkeep and glue together.
Welcome Chrismas home!

Gingerbread house

Gingerbread house

Gingerbread house

Gingerbread house

Gingerbread house

32ct natural linen, DMC floss

Christmas SAL "Together for Christmas" organized by Nadia

Marina, Nicole, Cristina, Mariangela, Sara-Sarlilla, Maria, Donata, Ornella,

Vaida, Laura, Cagouille, Patrizia, Nath, Flavia, Simonetta,
Camilla, Rachele, Cinzia, Claudia

Couson, Poupette, Reve de Fil, Dany, Barbara , Mimma, Rita

Paola , Grazia, Luli , Monica,Claudia, Milena, Marina, Silvia, Agnieszka, Fiorella

Mimi du Canada, Raffaella, Lucia, Marcella, Cellorob, Manuela , Lory , Audrey , Françoise,

Claudia , Roby, Paola , Dona, Silvia , Denny, Naty&Anto

Laura, Nadine, Paola ed Emilia

2011 m. gruodžio 17 d., šeštadienis

Blue Christmas

blue Christmas

inspiration from Marabout book ROUGE

blue Christmas

blue Christmas

white 40ct linen, Madeira silk, cristals

2011 m. gruodžio 16 d., penktadienis

2011 m. gruodžio 13 d., antradienis


maža snaigė atnešė linkėjimą ir ištirpo delne...

from book Christiane Dahlbeck "Winterlicht"

Snowflakes fall and melt in your hands, catch moment... and it landed on the notebook cover

Christmas SAL "Together for Christmas" organized by Nadia

Marina, Nicole, Cristina, Mariangela, Sara-Sarlilla, Maria, Donata, Ornella,

Vaida, Laura, Cagouille, Patrizia, Nath, Flavia, Simonetta,
Camilla, Rachele, Cinzia, Claudia

Couson, Poupette, Reve de Fil, Dany, Barbara , Mimma, Rita

Paola , Grazia, Luli , Monica,Claudia, Milena, Marina, Silvia, Agnieszka, Fiorella

Mimi du Canada, Raffaella, Lucia, Marcella, Cellorob, Manuela , Lory , Audrey , Françoise,

Claudia , Roby, Paola , Dona, Silvia , Denny, Naty&Anto

Laura, Nadine, Paola ed Emilia

2011 m. gruodžio 11 d., sekmadienis

2011 m. gruodžio 7 d., trečiadienis

Waiting for Christmas

waiting for Christmas

Christmas Fair

brooch from kokonas fairy

praėjusį savaitgalį šurmuliavo ne viena Kalėdinė mugė, ir "Kokonas" tęsia ir šiemet gražią tradiciją ir visus draugus kvietė pabūti angelais. Ši mugė buvo skirta - [...„leidžiame“ knygeles ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikiukams, kurie pasaulį mato ne akimis, o širdimi, liečia rankomis ir taip pažįsta aplinką...]
Šį kart savo darbelių neturėjau parduoti, bet mielai aplankiau draugus ir apžiūrėjau kokių grožybių per metus pagamino. O aš grįžau ne tuščiomis, štai koks mažylis Viko apsigyveno mano namuose! Ačiū Indrei:) Daugiau meškinų gimsta čia
O miela meškiukų porelė-sagė, keliaus Kalėdų keliu...

Last weekend I was at Christmas Fair and this cute bear lives in my house now! and also there is a little bears couple-brooch:) Thanks Indrei!


brooch from kokonas fairy

sweet cookies from kepejai

sweet Christmas

2011 m. gruodžio 5 d., pirmadienis

Advent calendar

Advento kalendorius skaičiuoja dienas pas mano dukterėčią Ameliją:)

inspiration from book Christiane Dahlbeck "Jahzeszeiten Herbst&Winter"

Advent calendar counts days in my niece Amelija's house:)

We change the way to display the balls, as shown in the book, do you like it?
Thanks my husband to produce Christmas tree form and design it:)

height ~60cm

2011 m. gruodžio 2 d., penktadienis

Christmas cards

Preparing for Christmas

Laikas jau "paleisti kelionėn" Kalėdines atvirutes ir sveikinimus:) Taigi mano atviručių gamybos fabrikėlis užvirė:)))

I think it's time to let "fly" Christmas cards and greetings:)
my Christmas cards workshop is open:)

for messages from me!

Preparing for Christmas

2011 m. gruodžio 1 d., ketvirtadienis



Quiet and cozy Advent days!

I've finished Advent calendar, just don't take photos. I promise I'll show you in a few days :) Have a good time!

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