2009 m. kovo 29 d., sekmadienis
Šiandien mano mylimos dukterėčios Amelijos gimtadienis, todėl dovanų rinkome tai kas miela mergaitėms - lėlė, ačiū Jurgos draugei už nuostabią Valdorfinę lėlę. Bet sugalvojom kad lėlei reikia kraičio, mano vyras ėmėsi spintos, o aš su močiute - rūbelių. Pradžia yra, o po truputį bus ir daugiau:)
Today the bithday of my lovely niece Amelija :) We bought the wonderful doll and we decide - she needs the dowry. So my husband has made the cupboard, and I with my mother - more the clothes.
2009 m. kovo 27 d., penktadienis
SAL LHN Traveling Stitcher
Prisijungiau prie dar vieno smagaus SAL tai LHN Traveling stitcher, spalvas rinkausi kitokias derinau prie pasirinkto audinio. Pasirodau kiek turiu pradėjusi.
I've joined to lovely SAL Traveling Stitcher, the treads I choose by myself, depends on my choise of fabric. There is my progress.
2009 m. kovo 22 d., sekmadienis
Tralala. Little bag for Elvija
Dovana mielai penkiametei mergaitei Elvijai, mažas ir linksmas tašiukas, kaip tik pasipuošti artėjančiam pavasariui:) Fragmentas iš Tralala dizainų, siuvinėjau ant naturalaus lino, taip pat naudojau raudoną lietuvišką liną, juosteles, sagutes, linksmą taškuotą medvilninį audinį pamušalui.
The birthday gift for little girl - little bag, fragment from Tralala designs.
and blog-candy Sally-Ann.
2009 m. kovo 18 d., trečiadienis
Thanks Loreta
Negaliu atsidžiaugti tokia gražia ir netikėta dovanėle :) Ačiū labai Loreta.
Thanks Loreta for so wonderful present :)
2009 m. kovo 12 d., ketvirtadienis
2009 m. kovo 11 d., trečiadienis
Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo diena
Su reikšminga Lietuvai ir lietuviams diena!
On March 11, 1990, Lithuania became the first Soviet republic to declare its renewed independence.
2009 m. kovo 7 d., šeštadienis
Mary E. Higdon 1851.Blackbird Designs
Gimtadienio dovanėlė - piniginė mielai draugei Vaidai.
From "Mary E. Higdon 1851" "Blackbird Designs".
The birthday gift for Vaida.
many thanks Loreta for photos.
2009 m. kovo 6 d., penktadienis
2009 m. kovo 3 d., antradienis
Kaziuko mugė
Ar jau pasiruošėt Kaziukui?
Mūsų šeima sekmadienį "dirbinom" prekių Vakario darželio Kaziuko mugei. Mama griebėsi siuvinių o vyrai karpė, klijavo gėles:)
Kaziuko mugė (English: Kaziukas Fair) is a large annual Lithuanian folk arts and crafts fair dating to the beginning of the 17th century. It was originally held at the two main markets in Vilnius, Lithuania, as well as in the city streets.
The fair is traditionally held on the Sunday nearest to St. Casimir's Day, March 4, the day Saint Casimir Jagiellon died. In Lithuanian, Kaziukio mugė means "Little Casimir's" Fair (Kaziukas is a diminutive of Casimir). Today, Kaziukas fair also features music and dance; it attracts tens of thousands of visitors and many craftsmen from all over the country as well as from neighbouring states.
And there are what our all family made for Kaziukas Fair in son kindergarten:) some sewings and paper flowers:)
Many thanks Yuko and Carol for awards, thanks for your friendship:)
I have decided that I am passing it to all of you:)
Happy stitching!
Mūsų šeima sekmadienį "dirbinom" prekių Vakario darželio Kaziuko mugei. Mama griebėsi siuvinių o vyrai karpė, klijavo gėles:)
Kaziuko mugė (English: Kaziukas Fair) is a large annual Lithuanian folk arts and crafts fair dating to the beginning of the 17th century. It was originally held at the two main markets in Vilnius, Lithuania, as well as in the city streets.
The fair is traditionally held on the Sunday nearest to St. Casimir's Day, March 4, the day Saint Casimir Jagiellon died. In Lithuanian, Kaziukio mugė means "Little Casimir's" Fair (Kaziukas is a diminutive of Casimir). Today, Kaziukas fair also features music and dance; it attracts tens of thousands of visitors and many craftsmen from all over the country as well as from neighbouring states.
And there are what our all family made for Kaziukas Fair in son kindergarten:) some sewings and paper flowers:)
Many thanks Yuko and Carol for awards, thanks for your friendship:)
I have decided that I am passing it to all of you:)
Happy stitching!
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