Vasarą prisiminus, ir dovanomis nustebinta, Vaida aplankė Peterburgą, o iš ten ir man dovanos nuo Liudos. Ačiū jums abiem draugės!
Remember summer, and surprise, Vaida've visited St. Petersburg, and she brings me gift from Ludmyla. Thank you both friends!
Вспоминая лето и сюрпризы от подруг, Вайда посетила Санкт-Петербург, а оттуда - и мне подарки от Людочки:). Спасибо вам, друзья!

♥ ♥ ♥

Ši nuostabi dėžutė slepia paslaptį, kuri gali tapti šilčiausiomis pirštinėmis. Po smagios kelionės po Rygą, Vaida parvežė šią nuostabią dovaną! Puiki idėja, graži pakuotė ir tradicijos puosėlėjimas, šaunuoliai latviai:)
Amazing box with secret, just knit warm mittens! Thank you Vaida with greetings from Latvia:)
Эта удивительная коробка скрывает секрет, и можно cвязать самыe теплыe перчатки. После поездки в Ригу, Вайда привезла этот замечательный подарок! спасибо:)

Mīļas un skaistas vasaras atmiņas, ietvertas jau gatavos un adāmos darbos!
AtsakytiPanaikintiInteresanti, kas Latvijā piedāvā šādu praktisku un rokdarbniecei sirdij tuvu komplektu - dūraiņu rakstu ar atbilstošu dziju? Lai prieks adīt!
thanks, yes set from Latvia :) great idea for everyone
PanaikintiWhat lovely gifts ,always nice to have kind friends.
AtsakytiPanaikintithanks, oh yes - friends are treasure:)
PanaikintiПрекрасные подарки! Поздравляю, Довиле!
AtsakytiPanaikintiспасибо, Елена:)
AtsakytiPanaikintiHello Everybody,
AtsakytiPanaikintiMy name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius, call/whats-App Contact Number +918929509036 via email:(urgentloan22@gmail.com) Thank you.
1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
6. Purpose Of Loan………….
7. country…………………
8. phone…………………..
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11.Monthly Income…………..
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Beautifully gift.☺️
AtsakytiPanaikintiAre you having issues in your relationship, or finding it difficult to have a child of your own or are you the type having any diseases in your body. I will advice you to contact Dr. Abolo of Abolospell@gmail.com . The potency of his spell is so effective and can reunite broken relationship and can also make one get pregnant know matter the situation and not only that, he also has the power to cure all type of diseases within the period of 48hours.. Contact him today and thank me later.
AtsakytiPanaikintiContact details : Abolospell@gmail.com
Good day to you, here is a quick one, just in case you are desperately in need of a trustworthy spell caster to help revive your crumbled relationship. Here is one that is truly versatile, compassionate and reliable when it comes to spell casting.. Doctor Abolo spelling home is the right choice for you. Contact and explain to him and I can assure you that the rest would be complete magic, my love life was on the verge of collapse until I ordered for a love spell while all due procedures were properly followed, I am a living witness that Doctor Abolo spell magic does work that is why i'm using all medium to let the world know of this great witch doctor who brought back peace and unity to my home, Talk to him today and have your emotional setbacks wiped out totally.
AtsakytiPanaikintiYou reach him at these contacts! Abolospell@gmail.com