„Gyvosios archeologijos dienos Kernavėje 2018“
"Festival is dedicated to the Lithuanian Statehood Day and the Centennial of the Restoration of the State. Visitors can experience archery, minting coins, riding horses, and also taste meals made according to ancient recipes. The event takes place in the craftsman’s yards from the 13th – 14th centuries, which have been reconstructed on the basis of archaeological data (open-air exhibition)"
"Дни живой археологии в Кернаве 2018"

And in the end of day July 6 exactly 21 hours at the local time, Lithuanians sing the anthem around the world.
В 21 ч. по Литовскому времени "Национальную песнь" исполняли литовцы в разных городах Литвы и других стран.

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