Kviečiu pavasarį su besiskleidžiančiais žiedais ir grįžtančiais paukščiais. Maža pagalvėlė ir paukštužėlis:)
pincushion Blackbird Designs. Flowers of the Field
bird from Tilda
I invite the spring with flowers and birds returning. Pincushion and little bird.

platinum linen, treads: CC, GAST, WDW, DMC. MH beads
Very light and tender!
AtsakytiPanaikintiNuostabus pavasario laukimas
AtsakytiPanaikintiTaip pavasariška.. ir paukštukas toks linksmas
AtsakytiPanaikintiI love your little bird.
Beautiful as always!:)
AtsakytiPanaikintivery creative thing*
Bonjour Dovilé ,
AtsakytiPanaikintiQuel bel ensemble .... très frais très printannier !
What's a lovely spring stitch work !
it's really so cute !
congratulations !
Simply wonderful stitch and I love your bird with the small key and miniature buttoms of the eyes!!!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiBeautiful little bird and pincushion :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiVery pretty indeed, well done!
AtsakytiPanaikintivery nice!
Dovilè is so lovely!
AtsakytiPanaikintihappy spring!
Ļoti maigi, viegli un pavasarīgi darbi!
AtsakytiPanaikintiI'm falled in loveeeeeeeeeeeeee
AtsakytiPanaikintiit's all so beautiful!
Какие птички!!! И очень милая вышивка. :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiКакой чудесный дуэт! И вышивка и птичка прелестны! Ключик на шее умилил :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiWonderful pincushion and a lovely little bird!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiНежная весенняя вышивка! Замечательная птичка! Очень понравились фотографии!
AtsakytiPanaikintiMe encanta el acerico, fino y elegante.
C'est très mignon!
AtsakytiPanaikintiBisous, Dovilé...
So wonderful~~
AtsakytiPanaikintiкак мило! :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiSuch a beauty - bird is very sweet, and pincushion is adorable!
AtsakytiPanaikintiBest wishes,
Такой милый весенний комлект птичка и вышивка! Птичка с ключиком здорово!
AtsakytiPanaikintiThanks for the info on the Tilda bird, the fabric you used sets it off beautifully.
AtsakytiPanaikintiToujours tellement de charme par ici : merci de nous faire rèver au travers de tes jolis points !
AtsakytiPanaikintifantastic photos and beautiful works
Both of these projects are very lovely.
Dovilé i thank you for this idea, i sewed thi little bird after have saw your sweetest!!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiif you want you can see it on my blog!
thank you!