Kai norisi pavasario, spalvų, kvapų kviečiu jus į žiedų ir mažų fėjų karalystę! Jauki ir plazdenanti apvali mandala su visais vasaros džiaugsmais gėlėmis, drugeliais, paukšteliais, boružėmis, bitutėmis ir mielomis coliukėmis... ir nuostabiu laumžirgiu centre.
Just Nan. WingsIf you want to see spring colors, scents, I invite you to the small fairy kingdom! Cosy and colorful round mandala with all the joys of summer flowers, butterflies, birds, ladybirds, bees, and four lovely Thumbelina, just listen how great their names are - Lavander Fairy, Teal Fairy, Mauve Fairy, Blue Fairy:) and amazing dragon-fly in the center.
As you know Just Nan designs have a lot colors, differents stitches, motifs stitched over 1, beads, my stitching goes slowly but the result is just gorgeous!

28ct mushroom linen, DMC treads, kreinik, beads, charms. Stitching place ~16*16cm