2011 m. gruodžio 28 d., trečiadienis


Kalėdoms nudundėjus ir belaukiant Naujųjų, laikas pasidžiaugti dovanomis:)

The Christmas has passed and waiting for New Year, I want to show you and enjoy the gifts from you my dear friends:)

The first I received cute, lovely pendibulle in red from Anfisa!

Спасибо тебе Анфиса! я очень рада:)

present from Anfisa

another lovely present this little bear comes to our home from Vaida, she recently started to write her blog and I invite to visit here :)

Ačiū Vaida, tavo mažieji pūkuotukai šildo širdis:)

present from Vaida

thank you dear friends, I'll show you more, there is the beginning:) to be continued...

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Dovilė, Lithuania

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Dovilė, Lithuanie

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Довиле, Литва

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