2011 m. kovo 29 d., antradienis

Fiesta! new start

Fiesta! Nicola Sabiel-1818

Pradėjau dar vieną nemažą darbą - Meksikietišką semplerį. Spalvų daug ir tokios ryškios, nevisai "mano", bet tikiuosi galutinis variantas - nenuvils. Sempleris 400*400 kryžiukai, mano planuose "paversti" staltiese. Ne pietų paskirčiai, daugiau puošmenai. Pasirinkau platinum 32 ct liną. Po motyvą, po motyvą ir pasimėgaujant įveiksim per ilgesnį laiką;)

Fiesta! Nicola Sabiel - 1818 a Mexican Sampler. Samplers Remembered Linda Danielson

My new started work - Mexican sampler. Many colors and such a bright, not quite "my" but I hope the final version - not disappoint. Sampler has 400 * 400 stitch and my plan is to "make" the tablecloth, not realy for dinner just for decoration.
I chose
platinum 32 ct linen. The motyve after motyve and finishing for not short time;)

Fiesta! Nicola Sabiel-1818

11 komentarų:

  1. Wonderful pattern and so beautiful colours!!!

  2. Bus labai graži staltiesė. Aš tikiu;)

  3. I think your Mexican sampler will be beautiful!

  4. I love the colours in this design, it's in my "to do" pile along with her new one which is a Mexican Sampler.

  5. как интересно! буду следить за процессом)))

  6. Very specific pattern. Big and beautiful:)

  7. As Mexican that I am, you will understand that I love this sampler, it is lovely!!!
    So far, I like your choice of colours:)

  8. I love this desing, wonderful pattern !
    have a nice day

  9. This is a beautiful Sampler. Good start.

  10. This is so pretty. I love those colours.


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