2010 m. kovo 25 d., ketvirtadienis

Spring Heart from Clotilde

Spring heart - SWAP from Clotilde

Na štai pagaliau ir aš sulaukiau savo SWAP pavasarinės širdelės, atkeliavo ji iš Romos nuo italės Clotilde ir jos blog'as Pinta. Ačiū!

Thank you Clotilde-Pinta for beautiful Spring Heart! I received the SWAP present yesterday from Italy, Roma. Lovely scissors, nice colors, well done:)

Spring heart - SWAP from Clotilde

Spring heart - SWAP from Clotilde

9 komentarai:

  1. Wonderful gift, this heart is so adorable!

  2. Pinta created a very beautiful heart for you!

  3. I'm so happy that you like it!
    thank's for the beautiful pictures.

  4. Dovile, you have made wonderful pictures of this sweet springheart .... and I also your new header is adorable!!

    Hugs from Austria

  5. bravissima Clo!
    Thank Dovilè

  6. Magnifique coeur
    et très belle paire de ciseaux !
    Je t'embrasse Dovilé et te souhaite un bon weekend


Ačiū, kad užsukai:) nesivaržyk parašyk

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Dovilė, Lithuanie

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Довиле, Литва

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